
Chinese Fried Rice Recipe

Chinese Fried Rice is the most famous dish and has highest popularity among all Chinese cuisine recipes. You can basically find Chinese Fried Rice in the menu lists of every Chinese restaurant out there. Nothing beats perfectly prepared fried rice.

 400g steamed rice (refrigerated overnight)
3 rashers bacon
250g Chinese barbequed pork
3 eggs
2 tsps grated green ginger
8 shallots
500g prawns (Skin peeled)
2 tsps soy sauce


·        Finely chop Chinese barbequed pork into small slices. Beat eggs with fork, season with salt and pepper.
·        Heat 2 tablespoons oil in pan. Spread oil over pan. Pour half egg mixture to make a pancake. Turn and cook the other side. Remove from pan. Pour the rest of egg mixture into pan and cook through. Roll up egg and cut into small thin strips.
·        Finely chop shallots. Shell and devein prawns.
·        Heat oil in pan. Saute ginger for 1 minute, stir in rice. Stir-fry for 5 minutes. Add in bacon, barbequed pork, egg strips, shallots, prawns and stir fry to mix well. When completely heated, add in soy sauce and mix well.
·        Serve warm.

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